Betekenis van:
stop over

to stop over
    • interrupt a journey temporarily, e.g., overnight
    "We had to stop over in Venezuela on our flight back from Brazil"



    to stop over
      • interrupt a trip





      stop over


      1. Where does it stop over?
      2. Stop fussing over me. I'm fine.
      3. Stop making a fuss over nothing.
      4. Over the evening it will stop snowing.
      5. Stop or I'll pull the car over!
      6. Can I stop over in Chicago?
      7. This ticket allows you to stop over at any station.
      8. Stop being such a hard-ass. Come on over.
      9. Stop and think it over for a minute.
      10. Why don't we stop arguing over these piddling matters and get to the issues at hand?
      11. Don't slobber over my face! A-ha-ha-ha. Stop it!
      12. Someday, dear language learner, you must stop poring over IPA charts and start listening to people.
      13. We had to stop over in San Francisco for two hours due to the fog.
      14. Three hours of driving has worn me out. Let's pull over at the next rest stop we see.
      15. Britain's currency crisis has turned into a political one over government failure to stop the pound from going into free-fall.